Friday, October 23, 2009

Mental Health Breaks

One of the great inventions of Peace Corps for us Volunteers are Mental Health Breaks ... they are 2 3-day periods during the month when we are able to visit other volunteers, see other areas of Ecuador, or for PCVs out in the campo - a chance to check mail, use the internet, and go to a market in town. They are an amazing opportunity for us to see other parts of Ecuador, get to know other volunteers and re-energize for the coming weeks.

This past weekend PCV Peyton came to visit me! Two Ecuadorians I work with took us on a bike ride from Chimborazo to Salinas. At first, we were told it was going to be an hour and a half bikeride, all downhill. That quickly became a joke as we went up into the clouds to start our 7.5 hour ride (with a modest 3 hours uphill). Words just won't do the photos justice ... PHOTOS

1 comment:

  1. omg! 1) you got to spend the weekend with Peyton?!? how fun that must have been - wish i could have been there, though I probably would have passed out during that bike ride
    2) 7.5 hour bike ride in the mountains? I remember I rode from Olmedo to La Chimba once (all of 20 minutes) and I was so short of breath by the end of it...I can't even imagine 7.5 hours of that..uphill!! you go girl!

    I can't wait to call you and talk to you!!
